ISSN: 2476-2490
Authors: Himanshu Kumar Sanju* and Mohit SG
High intensity of noise generated by bullet can cause noise induced hearing loss among regular bullet riders. There is no literature till date investigated noise induced hearing loss among bullet riders. The present study aimed to investigate self-assessment of noise induced hearing impairment among bullet riders. The present study recruit 80 bullet drivers (young adults and middle aged) riding bullet regularly from 5 to 8 years. There were 15 questions related to self-assessment of hearing quality, annoyance evaluation, noise-related attitude, and knowledge adopted from similar studies. The outcome of present questionnaire-based study showed that bullet riders are at risk of noise induced hearing loss. The current study also revealed annoyance among bullet riders and lack of awareness about hearing protection devices.
Keywords: Bullet Riders; Noise; NIHL; Annoyance
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