ISSN: 2574-2701
Authors: Biadge Kefale*
One of the constraints to the potential of potato is it’s perish ability after harvest. This problem is due to lack of suiTable storage methods. This study intended to evaluate storability of potato variety (Gudena) and to assess the effectiveness of selected storage methods under Ethiopian condition. Three storage methods were investigated with 100kg of fresh potato. The storage methods were ground pit, Dark house and field storage. Results obtained from this study showed that ground pit were more preferable where as in field and in dark house storage were less preferable due to physiological change in five month storage time. Ash content were significantly (p<0.05) different among storage methods from 5.2% to 6.02%.Texture and over all acceptability in fried and boiled form of potato significantly affect acceptability of potato in all storage methods. Taste and color in fried form of potato not significantly (p<0.05) affect acceptability of potato in storage methods and storage time. Dark house storage were preferable for the two potato products boiled and fried form(crisp) forms while In terms of physiological and nutrient preservation of potato ground pit were preferable up to five month storage
Keywords: Storage; Nutrient and Sensory
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