Journal of Quality in Health Care & Economics (JQHE)

ISSN: 2642-6250

Research Article

Catholic Church Services in Pandemic Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) in the Diocese Ruteng - Indonesia

Authors: Salesman F , Salesman F , Tapung MM , Salesman F and Tapung MM

DOI: 10.23880/jqhe-16000208


The Covid-19 pandemic affected the coastal communities in Manggarai. The bargaining power of fish catches and crop yields in the field has decreased. This situation makes it difficult for them to survive. Concerned about this situation, the Catholic Church of Diossece Ruteng formed a task force as a social worker to provide basic food assistance, medicines, personal protective equipment, and advocate healthy behavior for Catholics in the diocese of Ruteng.

Purpose: Exploring the types of basic needs of coastal communities, continued to provide food aid to reduce the suffering of coastal communities affected by Covid-19.
Method and Materials: Using a modification of the IPOAFI model (Identifying, Planning, Organizing, Acting, Finding, Impact). Providing social assistance and advocating for health behavioral education.
Results: Reducing the suffering of coastal communities of food shortages, increasing knowledge about Covid-19, cultured hand washing, wearing masks, maintaining body immunity by consuming nutritious food, routine health checks.
Conclusion: The presence of the Catholic Church in Diossece Ruteng helped the suffering of the people affected by Covid-19.

Keywords: Covid-19; Catholic; Church; Solidarity; Task Force

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