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Nanomedicine & Nanotechnology Open Access (NNOA)

ISSN :2574-187X

Nanomedicine & Nanotechnology Open Access is an internationally peer-reviewed, open access journal presenting novel, significant, interdisciplinary theoretical and experimental results related to nanoscience and nanotechnology in the life sciences. The main scope of nanomedicine is broad and is to explicate the immense range of applications in the field of medicine such as, biopharmaceuticals and cancer, drug delivery systems, nanorobots and cell repair machines to imaging, nanoparticles and nanonephrology and treatment of various diseases. The journal is pleased to accept Original Articles, Reviews, Perspectives, Mini reviews, Short Communications, Letter to Editor, Case Reports, Editorials, Opinions, etc. in wide varieties of topics such as molecular nanotechnology, nanosensors, nanoparticles, nanodrugs, nanomaterials, nanobiotechnology, nanobiopharmaceutics, nanoelectronics, nanorobotics, etc.

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