Open Access Journal of Endocrinology (OAJE)

ISSN :2578-4641

Open Access Journal of Endocrinology considers basic and translational studies at the organ, tissue and whole organism level. Endocrinology is the study of medicine that relates to the endocrine system, which is the system that controls hormones. OAJE covers such human functions as the coordination of metabolism, respiration, reproduction, sensory perception, and movement. It also focuses on the endocrine glands and tissues that secrete hormones. OAJE aspire to publish original research articles, review articles, case reports, short communications, perspectives, opinions, etc in all areas of endocrinology. The main scope of the Journal is to explore the research work and knowledge related to molecular, cellular, tissue, organism level of hormone function in the field of endocrinology. We encourage submissions that provide significant mechanistic insight into an endocrine-related question.

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