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Physical Science & Biophysics Journal (PSBJ)

ISSN :2641-9165

Physical Science & Biophysics Journal (PSBJ) is specifically designed to provide researchers around the world about the current developments & extended search for the evidence in concerned field and it deals with intermolecular forces between atoms & molecules, the dimensions of power and energy at the elementary level. Where PSBJ provides complete information for practitioners concerned with various aspects of rate of reaction, the energy & there by-products upon reaction including kinetics and entropy. Hence we invites authors to submit their original articles, reviews, Mini review, opinions, perspectives, news, short communications, case reports, proceedings, health policies etc. This journal acts as a platform for researchers to share their research work to the world.

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Review Article
Recent Progress in Solar-Pumped Lasers at the NOVA University of Lisbon
Almeida J, Liang D*, Tibúrcio BD, Costa H and Vistas CR

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