Anaesthesia and Critical Care Medicine Journal (ACCMJ)

Volume 8 Issue 2

Case Report
Review Article
Short Communication
Review Article
Enhanced Learning in Obstetric Anesthesia: A Review of Simulation-Based Training Techniques
Abhishek HN1, Kshirsagar SA2, Khan N3, Shaikh SASB4*, Garg R5, Srihari A6 and Shetti AN6
Review Article
Surgery on the Unborn: Anesthesia for Intrauterine and Fetal Surgery – A Review
Shetty NA*, khan N, Kshirsagar SA, Tile R, Singh S and Mustilwar R
Review Article
Mini Review
Role of Vena Cava Inferior Ultrasound in Volume Assesment
Vasin D*, Pavlovic A, Spasojevic N, Miskovic B, Maricic B, Dobric M, Milenkovic M, Vukmirovic J, Mijovic K and Masulovic D
Case Report
SGLT2 Inhibitors and Perioperative Euglycemic Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Jyothika Annareddy†, Nhu Nguyen†, Preston Simpson, Adria Johnson, Amy A Mrazek*
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