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Clinical Dermatology Open Access Journal (CDOAJ)

ISSN :2574-7800

Clinical Dermatology Open Access Journal (CDOAJ) is specifically designed to provide researchers around the world with the most recent topics pertaining to dermatologic medical and surgical issues. Dermatology is the science that is concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the skin, hair and nails. CDOAJ liberates to publish peer reviewed open access articles related to various types of Surgeries in Dermatology, Cosmetic surgery, Plastic surgery, Laser Therapy, Hair Transplantation. CDOAJ invites authors to submit their original articles, reviews, clinical perspectives, short communications, case reports, news, proceedings, health policies etc. CDOAJ answers the complete information needs of practitioners concerned with progress in research related to skin, clinical dermatology and therapy.

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Latest Articles

Research Article
Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices towards Leprosy among Nurses around Semarang, Indonesia
Riyanto P*, Kurniasih PD, Mayasari A, Putri DM, Triastuti LE, Ulfa NN, Meiliani DP and Agnes L
Review Article
Epidemiological, Clinical and Treatment Profile of Leishmaniasis in Birao, Central African Republic
Morissi-Denissio NMCI*, Falmata LG, Peggy MG, Dieu DK, Benedicte YM, Ornelle KI, Kongbele D, Zengouin E and Kobangue L
Research Article
Knowledge of Leishmaniasis and Attitudes of the Population of Birao, Central African Republic
Morissi-Denissio NMCI*, Falmata LG, Peggy MG, Dieu DK, Benedicte YM, Ornelle KI, Kongbele D, Zengouin E and Kobangue L
Research Article

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