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Genomics & Gene Therapy International Journal (GGTIJ)

ISSN :2642-1194

Genomics & Gene therapy international journal (GGTIJ) is specifically designed to provide researchers around the world with the most recent topics pertaining to Genetics. GGTIJ invites authors to submit their original articles, opinions, reviews, clinical perspectives, short communications, case reports, news, proceedings, health policies etc., where it answers complete information for practitioners concerned with evolution research in areas of biochemical genetics, clinical informatics, cytogenetics, gene functioning & expression, gene therapy, genetic disorders, genetic epidemiology, genomics, immunogenetics, molecular genetics, medical genetics, mutation and repair, public health genetics and stem cell therapy. The scope of the journal is to provide an international opportunity for encouraging noble consideration and thus contributing the best understanding the use of genetics & their effects for curing many diseases and benefiting the readers, authors by accelerating the dissemination of research information provides maximum access to advanced current academic and clinical information on current topic.

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