International Journal of Zoology and Animal Biology (IZAB)

ISSN :2639-216X

International Journal of Zoology and Animal Biology is an open access, peer-reviewed journal of Animal Kingdom. IZAB serves as an important medium for Zoologists and Wildlife biologists to present research findings and discuss challenging issues in the broad field of structure, embryology, classification, habits, endocrinology, evolutionary biology, genomics, morphology, physiology, behavior and distribution of all animals. It publishes research papers, case studies, reviews, clinical perspectives, short communications, etc. in the fields of Herpetology, Myriapodology, Nematology and other studies relevant to zoology.

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Short Communication
Research Article
Amphibian Fauna of Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala, India
Veeramani A*, Ennavan V, Manimala A and Ajith A
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