Journal of Quality in Health Care & Economics (JQHE)

ISSN :2642-6250

Current Issue - Volume 7 Issue 6

Research Article
Impact of Continuing Education on Nurse Satisfaction and Confidence – Quality Improvement Project
Khuwaja Pashmeena RN, BScN, MSN(s), Naylor Chuki RN, BSN, FNP(s), Nitti Alicia RN, BScN, FNP (s) and Abigail Mitchell-DHED, MSN*
Case Report
Research Article
Assessment of Quality of Life and Associated Factors in Healthcare Workers in Primary Care
Linares Cánovas LP*, Linares Cánovas LB, Linares Montano A, Pérez Martín MM and Naranjo Ferregut JA
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