Nursing & Healthcare International Journal (NHIJ)

ISSN :2575-9981

IF :1.8239

Nursing & Healthcare International Journal is specifically designed to provide researchers around the world with the most recent topics pertaining to Nursing. We invites authors to submit their original articles, reviews, short communications, case reports, news, proceedings, clinical perspectives, health policies etc., where NHIJ answers complete information for practitioners concerned with evolution in nursing topics such as advancing nursing practice, bio-psychosocial issues related to health, cultural perspective, lifestyle changes as a component of health promotion, chronic illness, including end-of-life care, family care giving. The scope of the journal is to provide an international opportunity for encouraging noble discussions and thus contributing the best to understand nurse practicing & their effects for curing many diseases and benefiting the readers, authors by accelerating the dissemination of research information providing maximum access to complex academic and clinical information on current topic.

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Latest Articles

Short Communication
Gayathri R*
Research Article
Research Article
Learning Package Outcome on Sibling Rivalry Management among Parents
Pandya U, Ameta D, Vyas K, Saranya S, Chaturvedi D, Pathak G and Pareek S*
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