Open Access Journal of Ophthalmology (OAJO)

Volume 8 Issue 2

Case Report
Elevated Serum Hydrogen Sulfide in Age Related Macular Degeneration
Dhivya MA, Ovia M, AnandBabu K, Parveen Sen, Angayarkanni N and Bharathidevi SR*
Short Communication
Research Article
Utility of donor corneas based on endothelial cell count
Syeda Amena Saman,Parasappa Bandrakalli, Pavan G
Research Article
Knowledge and Attitudes of the Population in Parakou Regarding Endemic Limbo- Conjunctivitis of the Tropics in 2022
Amadou ALFA BIO ISSIFOU1,2*, Nestor AIGBE3, Chakiratou O A ABOUKI3, Salimatou MONTEIRO1,2, Ruth Hermione NAKA 1,2, André LOKOSSI1,2, Codjo Rodrigue Abel ASSAVEDO1,2, Soulé ALAMOU3, Lisette ODOULAMI3 and Ignace SOUNOUVOU3
Research Article
Quality of Life Related to Visual Impairment in Visually Impaired Learners at the Center for Social Promotion of the Blind in Parakou in 2022
Amadou ALFA BIO ISSIFOU1,2*, Chakiratou OA ABOUKI3, Nestor AIGBE3, Salimatou MONTEIRO1,2, Émèfa Agnès Bernice KODJO1,2, André LOKOSSI1,2, Codjo Rodrigue Abel ASSAVEDO1,2, Soulé ALAMOU3, Lisette ODOULAMI3 and Ignace SOUNOUVOU3
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