Public Health Open Access (PHOA)

ISSN :2578-5001

Current Issue - Volume 8 Issue 1

Mini Review
AMR: An Emerging Threat
Bhattacharyya S*, Dan S and Sadhukhan SK
Research Article
Anti-Hypertensive Medication Adherence and Associated Factors among Adult Hypertensive Patients at Dilla University Referral Hospital, South Ethiopia
Petros A, Madoro D*, Shemelise T, Tadesse J, Hareru HE, Seid A, Semagn S, Aneleay, Cherinet, Muche T and Tsadik
Research Article
Health System Resilience in a PHC Setting in India—A study of Assam and MP
Kumari S, Nagarajan S, Sahu S, Choudhury CR, Songara D, Das A and Singh S
Mini Review
Epidemic Mosaic: State-Wise Patterns and Impacts of Covid-19 in India
Sheeba S*, Murugan M, Sankar ASS, Deepika R, Reghu R, Sanju S, Ramya SS and Shimmal Chenthik JP
Research Article
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