Virology & Immunology Journal (VIJ)

Volume 2 Issue 11

Research Article
Immunologic Features of Graves’ Disease in Obese Patients
Fishman B, Zurabov V, Kuprin P, Rumyantsev Y, Nedvetskaya E, Turmakhanov S, Butrimova S, Lole O* and Yukhno M
Research Article
Immunological Features of Surgical Stress in Underage and Adult Patients
Fishman B, Tapbergenov T, Kuprin P, Turmakhanov S, Saydayev Z, Kushpita A, Martynov I, Karasev D, Yukhno M and Rumyantsev Y*
Research Article
Absence of Occult Hepatitis B Virus Infection in Haemodialysis Patients in White Nile State, Sudan
Majed AA, El Hussein ARM, Ishag AEH, Madni H, Mustafa MO, Bashir RA, Assan TH, Elkhidir IM and Enan KA*
Research Article
Co-Infections Increase the Risk of Pregnancy Outcomes
Alsamarai AM*, Aljumaili ZKM and Alobaidi AH

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