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Open Access Journal of Mycology & Mycological Sciences (OAJMMS)

ISSN :2689-7822

Mycology & Mycological Sciences is an open access journal. Mycology is the branch of biology that deals with the study of fungi. OAJMMS includes the research of their genetic and biochemical properties, and their use in medicine and food along with their hazards. (OAJMMS) publishes original articles, also welcomes reviews and several other types of papers on fungal physiology and biochemistry, ecology, pathology, development and morphology, systematic, cell biology and ultra structure, genetics, molecular biology, evolution, applied aspects, and new techniques. Authors are encouraged to share their thoughts and significant research through this platform.

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Research Article
Identification of Environmental Fungal Species in Clinical Services of University Hospital of Angre, Abidjan (Cote d’Ivoire)
Angora KE*, N’guiachi MA, Miezan SA, Ahui A, Missa D, N’Dri A, Ouattara M, Bedia-Tanoh V, Kone EM, Konate-Toure A, Kassi FK, Vanga- Bosson H, Kiki-Barro PC, Djohan V, Yavo W, Menan H and N’douba AK
Research Article
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