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Journal of Medical Case Studies (JMCS)

ISSN :3064-7932

Current Issue - Volume 2 Issue 1

Case Report
A Case of Cartagenet's Syndrome Presenting as a Solid Pulmonary Lesion
Hongyan LI, Lingyan Z, Ziqiao F, Zhishu LI and Wenyong Y*
Case Report
Case Report
Case Report
Case Report
Oral Rehabilitation with Removable Partial Denture in a Patient with a Maxillary Defect Caused by a Firearm
Mendes Gomes MC, Silva Nascimento MFD, Sousa de Almeida JE, Alves do Nascimento J*, Mello Lima JF and Marques de Castro DS
Review Article
Household Food and Nutrition Security in Nigeria
Olamide O*, Emmanuel Olusegun ABE, Lawal E and Mayaki TB
Review Article
Enhancing Lifelong Vaccination: Insights from Spain, France and Italy
Quaggia D*, Votta M, Evans S, Moya E, Fava V and Nicoletti T
Case Report
Fever Unmasking Brugada‐Like Electrocardiographic Pattern Induced by Fever: ICD or NOT?
Fagouri J, Lahmouz Y*, Elghiati H, Nguadi J, Bennani M, Benelmekki A, Kheyi J, Mouine N, Asfalou I, Bouzelmat H, Lakhal Z, Chaib A and Benyass A
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